Eden - The Message


Here at Eden, we send and support teams of urban missionaries in deprived neighbourhoods – to live sacrificially, share the gospel and build authentic community.

We move into disadvantaged communities and do life with our neighbours, sharing the good news of Jesus in word and deed and creating a deep sense of community. Our teams stretch across the whole of the UK, supporting their partner churches in youth ministry, community projects, gospel outreach and discipleship, all while living within the community.

As young people are encouraged and mentored in the area, and as our teams come alongside struggling families, the atmosphere changes, leaders are raised and communities are changed for good. We are privileged to be a part of bringing transformation to communities from the inside out. Could you support our work by joining a team or giving financially to Eden?

This land that was laid waste has become like the garden of Eden; the cities that were lying in ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified and inhabited’  

Ezekiel 36:35

Team Stories

‘The Lincoln Estate has been home for over ten years. Eden have partnered with All Hallows Bow from the beginning to enable young people to value themselves and others, raise hope for a better future and transform their community. We’re journeying with young people and their families and along the way we are discovering more of who Jesus is and who he has called us to be. It’s an adventure, it’s messy and it usually involves hot chocolate.’

– Alex, Eden Bow Team Leader

‘Along with our partner church, we ran a holiday club in the summer. Around 40 children attended, many who normally wouldn’t engage with church. We provide freshly cooked meals free of charge and the kids had lots of fun. The feedback from families was so positive and many came along to church, despite belonging to different faiths. It was a great time of building relationships within the community.’ 

– James, Eden Falinge Team Leader

‘I recently saw a guy who I knew’d been struggling and he was in tears. He opened up and told me how his benefits had been sanctioned. He had food but no electricity. As he shared his pain I decided to use £20 from our practical need fund to top up his electricity key. He was overwhelmed by this gesture and beamed with hope! He gave me the biggest hug and I shared with him how God loved him and wanted to bless him.’

– Navi, Eden Whitmore Reans Team Leader

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‘God Heard And Answered My Prayers’

Addicted to drugs and living on the streets, Jason was at rock bottom when he prayed to God for help. ‘I heard a voice telling me to go to Union Gospel Mission and there my new life started’, he said. Read his story.

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Returning Home

Meet Krista and Niki, who head up our new Eden team in South Bank (Middlesbrough). It’s a place people try to escape from but that God called them back to.

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