From small acts of kindness to reaching out to our neighbours, each of us can show that we love where we live.
Why not take part in our challenge and spend the next month showing this love to those you meet? Sometimes it’s in the small little things we do that we can have the biggest impact in word and action.
Day 1: Take your neighbours bins out for them this week.
Day 2: Check in with an elderly neighbour to see if they’re ok and if there’s any way you can help them.
Day 3: Leave an encouraging message for a neighbour.
Day 4: Say thank you to a local Councillor for what they do.
Day 5: Talk to one of your neighbours you don’t know and learn their name.
Day 6: Help brighten the local area by picking up some litter.
Day 7: Smile at the people you pass in the street today.
Day 8: Help a neighbour who is struggling by donating items to your local foodbank.
Day 9: Who doesn’t like cake? Why not bake something for a neighbour today?
Day 10: Bless a neighbour by tidying their garden.
Day 11: Help improve your local environment by choosing to walk a journey today rather than drive.
Day 12: Paint some rocks and put them around your community.
Day 13: Make a bird feeder to encourage birds and wildlife into the local area.
Day 14: Let someone special know how much you appreciate them by saying thank you to them.
Day 15: Give away some books that you’ve read for others to read.
Day 16: Start a prayer wall and choose neighbours you’re going to pray for.
Day 17: Leave flowers for a neighbour.
Day 18: Call someone who you think may be lonely and have a chat.
Day 19: Got some clothes or furniture you no longer need? Why not freecycle these in your community?
Day 20: Give an umbrella to a homeless person or charity this week to help protect them from the rain.
Day 21: Make a point of thanking people for what they do for you today.
Day 22: Offer to pray for a neighbour today.
Day 23: Post kind comments through the letter box of as many people on your street as you can today.
Day 24: Keyworkers are doing so much for us, find a way to bless one of them.
Day 25: Prayer walk your neighbourhood.
Day 26: Congratulate someone for an achievement that may go unnoticed.
Day 27: Find a way to bless someone in a local shop.
Day 28: Tell someone you’re proud of them.
Day 29: Write encouraging messages in chalk outside your house.
Day 30: Offer to mow the lawn of a neighbour.
Day 31: Invite a neighbour for a cup of tea or a meal at your house.
How Can I Get Involved?
We’d love to see how you are loving where you live so why not: